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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Free Traffic vs Targeted Traffic

How to Get Free Traffic to your Website or Blog
One of the most important aspects of owning a website or blog is getting people to come visit your site. This is because more traffic equals more sales. However, the kind of traffic you get is also very important. You don’t want traffic just for the sake of traffic; you want traffic that will result in more sales, right? Below are lots of great tools and recommendations you can, and should use to get the kind of traffic you want to your site.
Interact with your ‘competitors’
The Internet is filled with lots of other people who are in the exact same business as you, but that doesn’t mean they are your ‘enemy’. As a matter of fact, you need to view them as friends and colleagues and start interacting with them as such.
This interaction can be done by commenting on their blogs, using Twitter to ‘tweet’ about a great sale they’re having, joining a forum they may have, or joining in on a discussion they’ve started in a forum that you both belong to. This kind of interaction isn’t going to hurt your business at all, instead when others see your interaction, they’ll most likely come visit your site or blog as well.
Obviously you never want to spam your colleague’s site by posting lots of links to your site or talking about how much better your site is over theirs, and so on. That would just be rude and people will tend to be turned off by it and most likely won’t come visit your site, which defeats the purpose.
Interact with potential customers
The other way to get free traffic to your site is to interact with those people who are most likely to purchase your products or need your services. You can also find them on forums, Twitter and other social networking sites like Facebook. Let them know you’re out there by engaging naturally in discussions and by commenting on their blogs.
Getting free traffic is important, but getting quality traffic is more important and will result in more sales. is a forum specifically designed for work at home moms who are involved in any type of work at home business.

At the you will be able to meet and interact with other moms who are also in business for themselves. So hop on over there now and join in on the many discussions already going on, or start one of your own. You never know, you may find a new customer there too!


  1. Great Job, Bridgette!
    I just tweeted you, facebooked you, and dugg you for good measure, lol.

    You do an awesome job helping us moms out there, just wanted to help you back:)


  2. Great post Brigitte!

    Thanks again for all of your help with the school stuff!!!

    You are awesome!

  3. You're Very Welcome Mrsblogalot, love your blog! Thanks for the follow!!!

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks for this post Brigitte! Now, you had just educated me about quality traffic :) Being a newbie, wished I learned about these WAHM businesses when I stopped from my studies last year (to cater my family's needs). Must have been an educating and fun year for me. Nevertheless, I will not stop from blog hopping, to learn and have fun with you guys! I'm afraid I'm becoming a blog addict lolz :) Thanks :)

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